Well, summer’s long gone. And with reports for the coldest winter of one hundred years on its way, it’s time to transform those sun-kissed locks into something a bit more weather-ready. Taking inspiration from the catwalks and our fellow stylish stylist friends from up and down the UK, here are a few bang on trend ideas for your next hair cut. Which of these are on your winter wishlist?

[heading align=”left”]Bangs (that’s fringes to you and me)[/heading] Bangs are rocking hairstyles this season

In the summer, fringes can seem to get in the way and they prevent your face getting an even glow. Not so in winter. This season we’re seeing wispy, long fringes hit the headlines. It’s funny how designers have their own idea for this style: Emilio Pucci had models with long layers and floaty fringes, while Marc Jacobs was all about a wispy fringe and boyish cut. Basically, this is one trend you can – and should – make your own.


[heading align=”left”]Soft & Floaty[/heading] demi-x-factor-crop


We’ve seen a huge amount of requests for soft and feminine cuts. Think long layers that will withstand the wet and windy weather, and loose tied plaits with floral headbands. If you aim for romance, 1940’s glamour and soft curls, you won’t go far wrong. Get those rollers ready!


[heading align=”left”]Copper tone[/heading] 2013 autumn hairstyle soft and floaty

Reds have been popular for a while, but with a massive oversaturation of red heads bobbing about, this autumn we’re seeing a return to auburn and copper shades. Warming tones suit all skin types, and you could always go for an ever-trendy two-tone colour if you’re not ready to take the plunge just yet. In fact, two-toned hair is great for another of this season’s looks, low tied pony tails, as seen on Alexander Wang and Ralph Lauren’s models.


[heading align=”left”]Buns[/heading]Low bun hairstyle
Buns were a massive hit on most of the catwalks and they’re great for a day to night transformation. Keep it tight and neat for the office, then loosen a few tendrils and rough up roots for a sultry, glamorous night ‘do. Team with some dramatic eyeshadow to complete the look.


This autumn, it’s all about reworking styles that suit you, and adding your own little touch to make your hair work for your face shape and skin tone. If all this is a bit too much to take in, we’ll be happy to help you choose a great cut and colour to flaunt your best features. Just book in a consultation at our Northampton hairdressing salon with one of our lovely and experienced stylists and we’ll have you ready for autumn in no time. Now, who’s getting the hot chocolates in?